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  • Views: 130
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Return techis to his previous characteristics with aghanim ult, they took and ruined him. Such good gameplay was on him and now he is just useless as a Observer ward. 
Nobody complained about Techies with his ult with aghanim.
I want the old Techies to be brought back without the ult cooldown with Aghanim

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18 часов назад, Temirlan Bolotov сказал:

As far i understand, there is no point in writing here

тут уже всё быссмысленно, просто доживаем последние пол года - год
наслаждаемся моментом
ну и дай бог что-то изменится)

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@Temirlan Bolotov The nerf was made for a reason, it's about lag. Now you can enjoy a 2 second CD at level 16.

@Serfingist all in their own time, we are not Ubisoft :D 



7 часов назад, styla сказал:

@Temirlan Bolotov The nerf was made for a reason, it's about lag. Now you can enjoy a 2 second CD at level 16.

@Serfingist all in their own time, we are not Ubisoft :D 

No one asked you for a new game and new mechanics, you were asked for an adequate opportunity to play, not to get banned/mutated/kicked all the time and tolerate some admins.
Unfortunately, most of my friends have left and I don't really want to come in either, although the desire to play is there.
Thanks for creating and allowing me to play and enjoy the project:)

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