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styla last won the day on February 20

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  • Birthday June 16

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  1. styla


    We do our best. Abusers are punished. Btw, for some time now, administrators can ban for a maximum of 2 hours.
  2. @Temirlan Bolotov The nerf was made for a reason, it's about lag. Now you can enjoy a 2 second CD at level 16. @Serfingist all in their own time, we are not Ubisoft
  3. You have problems with iccup launcher and yes, leaving games are banned and counted too. Try to fix iccup launcher or use ing launcher.
  4. This mini tutorial is for payments made with Wise or Revolut Step 1. Go to the Store and select your favorite Admin type Step 2. Write your nickname and server and check that your nickname is spelled correctly and has no spaces Step 3 Add to cart: Step 4.Use Revolut or Wise card. In this way i can activate your admin fast. Note, for other payment methods: Paypal, Binance , etc.. the activation is automatic.
  5. At the suggestions and insistence of the moderators, due to the fact that there are fewer and fewer players, and because some admins have used the right to BAN abusively, starting today, we have decided to suspend access to BAN for Super Admins. (until the number of games will increase to 8 simulated games hosted, constantly) As compensation for the Super Admins, we have increased the number of people on the Personal Ban List to 8 and some new commands. For those who break the rules and deserve the BAN you can do the Report as before: https://ingame.go.ro/Stats/Reports/ По предложению и настоянию модераторов, в связи с тем, что игроков становится все меньше и меньше, а также из-за того, что некоторые админы злоупотребляют правом на БАН, начиная с сегодняшнего дня, мы решили приостановить доступ к БАНу для супер-админов (пока количество игр не увеличится до 8 симуляторов, проводимых постоянно). В качестве компенсации для супер-админов мы увеличили количество людей в личном бан-листе до 8 и добавили несколько новых команд. Для тех, кто нарушает правила и заслуживает бана, вы можете сделать отчет, как и раньше: https://ingame.go.ro/Stats/Reports/
  6. From now all members can register and login with Telegram: Forum members can receive TG notifications by following these steps: 1. click the Bell icon > Notification Settings 2. Scroll down and follow the instructions: That's all.
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  7. Hello again all IMBA friends! At the request of the players, for the second time we opened the imba team competition. Tournament HostBot can be started by a moderator with command !pub Game1 team1 vs team2. For the next game !pub Game2 team2 vs team3. Hostbot are restricted to host maxim 2 games. Hostbot will host only to ingame server. Prizes. From Sponsor place 1: 6x20 $ place 2: 6x15 $ place 3: 6x10 $ From ingamero: place 1: 5x Super Admin place 2: 5x Admins place 3: 5x VIP Rules: First of all, for the tournament to start, a minimum of 8 teams must be registered. The team leader must register his team members here: https://ingame.go.ro/tournaments/teams/ (link available only for registered users) The teams must be made up of 5 players and have a designated captain and a name. Players should have min 500 games. (moderators and donors pass this limit) Rules the same like in IMBA public bot. Pulling out cable or losing connection is counted as leave, or error ,the game will continue without rmk. Only deync error are accepted as reason for a rmk and only if the trees spell are not picked by a player. Do not play if you are not sure in your connection. It is not allowed for a player to play in several teams with fake account. @sel1ne13 and @s1atanic and @AleaTriscan will organize: registration time, schedule the matches, etc..... Any complaint is redirected to them depending on the language (EN/RU) Sponsor: an Imba player. Teams registered so far: https://ingame.go.ro/tournaments/teams/ (link available only for registered users) Note. A Russian speaker moderator, please edit and translate this post in Russian.
  8. btw, Now players can register and login with Telegram Forum members can receive TG notifications by following these steps: 1. click the Bell icon > Notification Settings 2. Scroll down and follow the instructions: That's all.
  9. styla


    I know about this bug and in the past it was stronger. But now it is suitable for imba map
  10. Admin punish: 2 days no ban access
  11. First off all change your avatar and profile picture. Second thing, your language. Don't force me to ban your forum account. Then we can speak about the problem
  12. styla


    tersdt trete test asdasd test3
  13. styla


  14. styla


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