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  1. Donation in menu in top 5 position. Same menu on each page
  2. Podfuck

    ING client

    Guess I am out of luck for few weeks till I get my new laptop. my work laptop is blocking new ing client by Avecto Defendoint
  3. hmm, can I somehow change pwd? when started proxy the msg says : incorrect password, but I bet I have correct one
  4. Please unban me = Podfuck_jn in game https://ingame.ro/openstats/?game=85394 I had bug with disconnect window. I could not move and neither press that button. no 1 wanted to kick me and after few minutes I was able to disconnect by that button. Thanks in advance Pod
  5. please unban Podfuck_jn player: https://ingame.ro/openstats/?game=67687 game: https://ingame.ro/openstats/?game=67687 reason for leave: 5 v 2 game in 4 mins. Message said that the game will end in 10 seconds..
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