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Admin abuse

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Hello, i know thats its useless to write about admin abuse, because nobody does anything and admins still use their admin privileges to kick and ban everyone for everything they want. So this info is for another players just FYI. 

Game: https://ingame.go.ro/index.php?/Stats/RecentGames/&do=single&id=232990

"Admin": widowmfist

Ban reason: as the "admin" said for what I wrote vk to him, becausee he was last player who didn't write ff. Simply put, for nothing.

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Доброго вечера..... А что делать есле админ eco руинит игру? Как с ним поступить? Он до 15 минуты бегал бил все было хорошо.... А потом просто все продал и улетел к тавернам))) Что делать в таком случае?


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23 минуты назад, Tetralines.ua сказал:

Доброго вечера..... А что делать есле админ eco руинит игру? Как с ним поступить? Он до 15 минуты бегал бил все было хорошо.... А потом просто все продал и улетел к тавернам))) Что делать в таком случае?


Ничего, эко влил в этот сервер больше денег, чем кто-либо, он тут уже лет 10 играет (ну или сколько сервер существует). Забей короч ?

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2 часа назад, Tetralines.ua сказал:

И? что с этого? что у кого денег больше тот и прав? нафиг такой серв?


Это не серв такой, жизнь такая)

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1 час назад, Tetralines.ua сказал:

че есле я брошу 10к грн в сервер мне будет похуй на все?


Я не знаю сколько это, поговори со Styla в личке, может так и будет.

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В 05.09.2020 в 18:46, Tetralines.ua сказал:

че есле я брошу 10к грн в сервер мне будет похуй на все?


Можешь задонатить 10 Евро и стать на месяц админом, админов нельзя кикнуть и забанить.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I got ban with no reason even i was not playing game. (you can check my ban info)  I'm pretty sure the guy who bans me become admin just for this issue so i think its really admin abuse. No report no reason and got banned because he donate and he want this way. I fear this continue in future also so he keep become admin and ban me continuosly?


Also this allow me to think that way, if i dont like some players (not admins) i can become admin and ban anytime with no reason. No need solid prof and its applicaple for past games or issues. This issue will damage community really bad i guess.


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29 minutes ago, nubhunter said:

I got ban with no reason even i was not playing game. (you can check my ban info)  I'm pretty sure the guy who bans me become admin just for this issue so i think its really admin abuse. No report no reason and got banned because he donate and he want this way. I fear this continue in future also so he keep become admin and ban me continuosly?


Also this allow me to think that way, if i dont like some players (not admins) i can become admin and ban anytime with no reason. No need solid prof and its applicaple for past games or issues. This issue will damage community really bad i guess.


see game guilty IImBaDII

10:36[Ing]:Unable to ban player [nubhunter]. No matches found.
10:36[Allies] [SENTINEL ]: IImBaDII!ban nubhunter
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54 minutes ago, Ady_Imba said:

see game guilty IImBaDII

10:36[Ing]:Unable to ban player [nubhunter]. No matches found.
10:36[Allies] [SENTINEL ]: IImBaDII!ban nubhunter


11:22 IImBaDII noob team dedım
11:27 IImBaDII bu pıcde yazdıgına bak
11:39 IImBaDII []06:12 nubhunter aqdumun bebesi tak
12:18 IImBaDII bende ole yaptım
12:20 IImBaDII []
12:26 IImBaDII tarassız rosh gırılırmı
12:32 IImBaDII !ban nubhunter
12:32 [Ing]: Player [nubhunter] was banned by player [IImBaDII] for the next [2] days.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Again same guy but this time is different. After last issue, styler make a decision but i guess there is no warning or anything against "IImbadII". This time he want me to apologize him which i was right. So i dont apoligize of course and dont argue more since he is admin and almighty. I ask all to kick me because he does not want to play same team with me. I start votekick but he kick me and ban me as afk. Ban reason not true as you see chat in below even i was playing properly you can watch replay. He also told me "Complain me anywhere" (08:35-08:38) I just wanna say i dont complain anyone here i just seek justice and stood against admin abuse. Donate should not mean behave carelessly and look down other players. Styler, hope this time you can spare time and solve this issue permanently. You can either told me not play imba here anymore without donation or take action against who was guilty. Otherwise i will be banned continuosly.





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  • 1 month later...

@Ady_Imba where is it described that one can be banned because he does not want to write !ff?

It was many times that team wins the game even after 4 of 5 wrote ff.

Besides one player disconnected and no sense to write ff. You will not get 1 ff until he is dropped.

Of course when you are crying hysteric baby with admin permission you are able to kick everyone and ban everyone. Take control over your rage, child.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi there! "wehaveahulk"  always ban my account (_legend96_), this idiot dont know  thats my real base account, but he always ban my account for "FAKE  account"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Styla in the name of this fuckin game:)) please stop give admin to stupid russian kids whom doesnt know english or some common language as "Axe" he ban for no reason abuse and we dont even understand hes stupid language! no reason for ban!! idiot AXE NEEED REMOVE!


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В 13.12.2020 в 17:12, dst сказал:

Styla in the name of this fuckin game:)) please stop give admin to stupid russian kids whom doesnt know english or some common language as "Axe" he ban for no reason abuse and we dont even understand hes stupid language! no reason for ban!! idiot AXE NEEED REMOVE!


for such words of course I will ban. Morons like you who insult mom, you will be banned until you apologize


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4 минуты назад, Axe сказал:

Styla in the name of this fuckin game:)) please stop give admin to stupid russian kids whom doesnt know english or some common language as "Axe" he ban for no reason abuse and we dont even understand hes stupid language! no reason for ban!! idiot AXE NEEED REMOVE!



5 минут назад, Axe сказал:

stupid language!

calling our language stupid you are making a mistake as this is an insult to almost the entire server and a sign of racism

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Yeah i afford it was me raged after getting a ban for nothing i was afk 1 min i ported near hes farmzone he was alone and 1 guy was on lane he banned me so he could farm alone can you belive? and after i got unbanned i get in a game with axe and ban again, today i tell another admin that he abuse i get deny so much fuckin stupid kids getting admin omg:(

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On 7/12/2018 at 1:58 AM, serb.arxangel said:

Here can you report  Admin abuse:

BAN...KICK....NOT RESPECTING RULES...FLAME ...........................

Please review the reason for ban. i was banned for nothing. admin abuseadminabuse.thumb.png.e75ff082ede0f39af9d77dcfffed38e4.png

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