4 votesFixed
İf miss the this creeps they can destroyed one lane under the 1 min and all team members has play the other side the map nobody cant catch them they hit the center and destroyed still in 1 min
this skill is bugged
one option is totaly banned this skill also nobody needs to lich 3 many option in game ( arcane bot - arcane ring - zealot buff etc )
other option is fix the skill just eat the creeps no summon the shadow type or drop the this creeps damage to accepted level
in this time this skill is bugged also who take the skill him make the bug !!!
3 votesOn hold
The bird needs to be improved. For example, in dota1 dota2 the bird brings artifacts and automatically merges them. This is something you need to doing to in imba.. You need to open a space and summon the bird and merge them . This takes a lot of time and causes some problems.
2 votes
I don't know what kind of skill it is, (lich 3 mb) but in one of the games, the enemy turned imba creep (hydra) into a black one, his attack and speed increased, and he just demolished everything in his path))) Well, it's so-so
0 votesNot a bug
There are several ideas, I'll briefly describe them...first of all, the server has become heavier, many people have enigma-type skills, well, the admins, I've been playing here for 5 years, and of those who were admin at the time, there's no one now, like many players, you don't control them, abuse, read complaints about them, is it democracy or what?
4 votesNot a bug
Return techis to his previous characteristics with aghanim ult, they took and ruined him. Such good gameplay was on him and now he is just useless as a Observer ward.
Nobody complained about Techies with his ult with aghanim.
I want the old Techies to be brought back without the ult cooldown with Aghanim
2 votesNot a bug
If u eat 2 lvl posion nc after eat wolf or krobelus u dont lost posion buff and hit the enemy posion buff hit time enemy has get the double item effect also this way more easy kill the rosh and sy more damage basher more stacks and second suprise u get this skill with zeus 2 and hit the enemy then enemy getting the posion efect after if u use the doom ulti enemy propably get the period of zesus damage
3 votesNot a bug
Auto RMK sometimes does not work
Auto RMK sometimes does not work
For example in this game in the end
7 votesNot a bug
3 votesOn hold
12 votesDuplicate
Alchemist Berserker's Call bug
When alchemist's ult form ends while being in the Berserker's Call l(the first skill of axe), there is a bug all items that alchemist have drop and usually picked up or destroyed by other players.
9 votesNot fixed
Invoker tornado bug
Invokers tornado damages in base when you are meant to be invulnerable.
1 voteBug
Batrider spells don't work on other heroes
Batrider spells don't work on other heroes. they don't even have animation
2 votesNot a bug
Ult furion very long CD
in one of the updates, ult furion received a CD of about 3 or 5 minutes, which is simply unreasonable, there is no point in taking it if the games last for 10-15 minutes
yes, a skill can be strong, but its normal CD is 120 seconds, and at level 11 let it be 90 seconds
or 150 and 120 seconds
0 votes
Latest map updates on the website main page.
At the moment, the updates are only at the "downloads -> Maps -> DotA Imba Legends
Would be nice to have a small message or a widget on the main page with the latest changes and link to downloads for it.
4 votesOld bug
Scorpion ult sometimes doesnot work on death
Looks like when scorpion dies instantly the ult is not triggered upon death.
1 voteNeed test
too long cd
Why does pudge's ult have a very long cooldown? this is not like other oneshot ultimates like lion's finger or skorpion with high damage
his ultm can be easily interrupted. Why did they do this? or is this a bug? this is no reasonable. Compared to other ultm skills it was more balanced
1 voteOn hold
improve game environement
The following ideas are design to make game more fun for players and add more balance so both teams have a chance to win and reinvent the game a little bit , kinda boring over the years :
1 . increase own creeps spot safe time from min 5 to min 10 , sometimes even you get good skills no time to farm cuz min 5 enemy come and they have early strong combos so farm over so no items so gg , even your team have strong late game skills (while keeping ff time at 6)
2. double the creeps spawn in all spots = more exp for both teams = more drops = more balance added just by both teams being able to make some acceptable level of items before going to fight enemies
3. disable spawn time for creeps in woods spots , as soon as u get far from creeps spot they spawn , more items faster level up for both teams , more balanced game , more fun for all players
4. disable gem and wards cooldown in shop
5. base/towers armor cd lowered to 2 min from 5 min
ill add more ideas gotta go sleep for work , please comment , add ideas , improve our experience , thanks
5 votesApproved
spells for mellee only
if possible (will require a bit of work) , put in spell description if is for mellee only so people know , sometimes i pick combo for range hero and with new map version some spells became just for melle only like cleave sven , void stun , mort ulti ....saves frustration for players and help new players too , thanks
0 votes
!ff command improvements
1 . so , some ff others dont ff ....4/5 3/4 2/3 1/2 ff should count as full team ff and game ends there , that prevents many abuses as me as an example sometimes ff one time , team sleep and they cry later ff but i dont ff , bypass me or any other admin by counting 4/5 ff as full ff
2. were seasoned players we kinda know when is gg so put ff available in min 5 , in the safe time zone so dont spend another minute wanking around waiting for min 6 to ff
4 votesApproved
Mute players who spams the chat with commands
Some players have a clinical state when they are binding "-clear" for the key and press it like every 15 seconds.
This makes chat spammy and leads to players missing important messages from teammates.
0 votes
Rating system titles.
At the moment we have rating system which is a number followed by a word.
You cannot understand what is worse to be "stupid" or "feeder" etc. Especially when someone with 150 games is "GOD"
My suggestion is to replace the words with number 1, 2, 3, 4,.. or anything else more predictable
0 votes
Ban appeals approval or rejection
Ban appeals should not be proceeded by the admin who gave the ban. Would be nice to have the 3rd-party admin who review the situation and approve or reject the ban appeal.
1 voteNot critical
mana gain reset magic stick
sometimes (idk if always) u have lets say 0 mana and press magic stick...insta give you lets say 100 mana , but insta after reset to 0 , give you for a split second than takes it back , i noticed in recent maps , not sure if it happened before .
2 votes
statistic system/balance
so correct me if im wrong but !sd= stats supposed to be the value of a player !
ok , so 1 guy with 2 games and 0-20 score( biggest feeder ever) have god stats 4,05 sd and me with 20k games and 5,3-3.9 score = not feeder have 2,99 sd
so i get 4 "pros" like that in team vs 3 normal guys with over 4k games and guess what , is a total waste of time no matter spells , because....o yes no balance
i just have a 1v3 game while the pro in my team ofc was one with few games and god stats and useless ofc , so styla i mean to tell you this for a long time the statistic as they are now are not realistic
here are few ideas what should matter on stats !sd :
1 . score thats the first cuz if a player have 10-5 score after 5000 games hes obviously a good player
2. number of games a player with feed stats like 4-5 and 5000 games beat every time a player with 6-2 score and 4 games , because hes better player ( experience matters)
these are just 2 that i consider to be first criteria that should matter in a player stats but obviously other criteria can be taken into account .
please guys who read this comment or message styla about your opinion on this matter , thanks
2 votes
new heroes /new spells
idk if you can put heroes from other map in imba map , is a map called dota ai fun on epicwar.com . please check . there are some incredible new heroes there with spells some even better than any imba spel and those are just normal spells there in that map . to get those spells upgraded to imba level mean we get a whole new level of entertainment here because lets face it is a bit boring cuz you know already all heroes / spells . if possible to add some would be great for all , thanks